
Sunday, August 7, 2011

The one that got away

A couple years ago I went to the flea market in Canton Texas. I saw a beautiful rusted iron road sign that I wanted SO bad but had no idea how to get it home. And it was a little pricey at $125. So I passed on it.

It was one of those things I regretted and thought about all the time. I almost bought another one off ebay over Christmas but again passed.

So then I went shopping a couple weeks ago at the most ridiculously expensive antique/ home decorating store in Scottsdale. I like to go places like that occasionally to make myself feel better about having the same look without spending an entire pay check for one pillow.

I had about enough when I walked into this circular part of the store that was outside. They had really cool vintage industrial things there. And that was when I saw it.

It was basically the same sign as "the one that got away". I walked over to it, took a breath, and glanced at the price tag. $65!!!! WAHOOOOOO! This baby was mine!

I may have even put a seat belt on it on the way home. I know, I'm weird. Now it sits atop my t.v. armoire in my great room.

If you're interested, they had two more!


  1. that is so awesome! So excited for you!

  2. Lol @ the "seatbelt" ... something I would definately do also! So great that you finally got to take it home :)

    Suzy xxx

  3. So I have a new street sign (don't ask, I won't tell) any cleaver ideas on what I could do with it other than store it in my garage?
