
Monday, January 30, 2012

Gallery wall

I know it's not spring yet in most of the U.S. but it sure feels that way here. In fact, it was a very sunny 76 degrees the other day and my kids were BEGGING me to go swimming. We didn't go swimming, but I did hose one of my kids down because he spilled ice cream down his shorts. He tried to run all serpentine style away from me but my back yard is little enough for the hose to reach ALL corners. Ha. I win.

Because it feels like spring to me, I felt the need for a little color in my life. After seeing multiple ideas on pinterest of how to frame out a flat screen, I decided to go with the trend and try it on my own. I used egg and dart molding from Home depot and some 1 x 6's.

Please excuse my reflection in the glass. good thing you can't see my pj's! My tv isn't as flat as I would like but I don't mind it being a little farther away from the wall.

My letter G in chevron paper. I'm a little obsessed right now with chevron. The paper is from ETC on Lindsay and University in Mesa.

My wooden crate houses remotes, wii paraphernalia (thank goodness for spell check :) and games.

The rest of the wall were things I had all over the house and stored in my craft closet.  I still need to get my hunky electrician to pull all the wires for the speakers and tv through the wall so they're not showing but other than that, I'm all done!

Hope you like it. Now I'm on to sprucing up my front door with a painted door mat, new wreath, tulips and shutters. Happy almost spring!


  1. What a fantastic idea! I haven't seen that before, but I love it!

  2. Very pretty wall!! I love how you disguised the television!!

  3. I am dying to know where you got that G. I love the script it is in.

  4. GO LO VE! Looks good. You know, for a white trash woman's house.

  5. Your tv frame project turned out great! Love the entire wall collage...very pretty!

  6. WOW!! I am so impressed! It looks so good! You have to tell me where you got all of your MAGNIFICENT frames!?! Even though I probably won't have the same shopping places, they are all dang cute! I wish this were my wall :)
