
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Craft and wood working class

I always have women telling me they wished they knew how to use power tools. Well ladies, here's your chance to learn...

I'm teaching a class where you'll learn how to use a miter saw, air compressor and nail gun. You'll also learn a great technique for painting, distressing, and antiquing any wood product. Plus, you get to go home with one of these...

I recreated this 2' x 2' piece of art for your home that I saw on pinterest. I will have grey, black, brown and white paint available for the class. Any color other than those will have to be brought by you.

The price of the class includes all of the supplies to complete this project and I will be there every step of the way to answer any questions you may have.

I'm offering this class from my own home so space is limited. I will have the first class on a weeknight for people who work during the day and the second during the day for those who don't. The class times are as follows:

Wednesday, September 26th at 7pm 


Thursday, September 27th at 10am

The project takes around 2 hours to complete. It is $65 and I encourage you to bring a drink and a snack. I am excited to offer this class and hopefully it will give you the confidence and motivation to tackle projects on your own!

E-mail me directly at to reserve your spot and get more information. Sorry, I can't make one and ship it. Local crafters only :(

*****The classes are full. I'm starting a list in case anyone can't make it and you want to come. I'll let everyone know if spots open up on the 20th*****


  1. If I was in the area I'd soooo be there! That is awesome that your class filled up!!

  2. I wish I lived in AZ so I can take this class! This looks like a great project. Will you be posting a how-to for those who do not live in the area?

  3. Thank you for promoting the importance to stray away from the steroetype that woman don't know how to use power tools. Our creativity isn't limited to painting our nails and knitting. We are fully capable of building a shed, repairing the plumbing, and even using power tools to create awesome crafts like this. I was just in at my hardware store, where the gentleman sales person treated me like I never seen a nail before. I played dumb for a while, and then I turned on my skill set and started to put him to the test. I asked him what the acidity of tung oil was and how well it would permeate oak. I loved the response of ummm's and uhhh's because he was blown back of my wood working knowledge. I picked up tung oil to give a great wood finish to a piece of furniture I restored. Thanks again. Keep up the great work!

  4. Craft and wooden form used in this class making very differen t type of designs and craft working is looking great.

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