
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sale this Saturday

My friend Kalli is having a huge sale this weekend at her house in Mesa. If you live in the valley, you definitely need to check it out. She is also known as decordeals on instagram and always has the most amazing things for so cheap! If you remember, I featured her house back in November. Here's the link to that.

You can find all the info for her sale HERE. The address is 916 W 10th St in Mesa. Close to Alma School and University. I just bought some awesome stuff from her and will try my dangdist to get there on Saturday. Here's a pic of some of my loot.

I also bought a couple of chairs from her I'm planning on refinishing over spring break. 

Also, I don't know if I mentioned it, but I woke up one morning last week and hated all of my stuff. So I've been selling a ton of my junk on the east valley antique group on facebook. Are you on that group? If not, you should be. They have great stuff. Anyways, I decided to redecorate Paysen's room and am excited to show you what I've done. I'm waiting for a headboard to get here next weekend and once I refinish it, it should be all wrapped up! 

Moral of this post is though, get to Kalli's on Saturday.You'll love her stuff and her prices.

1 comment:

  1. I admit I am a little FB ignorant, so how do I find the east valley antique group? I have searched thru groups and can't find it. Is it named something else?
    Thanks, I LOVE your blog!
