My husband and I need a new mattress. So I'm doing all the necessary research to buy a bed and my bedding for the master bedroom. If you've read any of my previous postings, you know I want all white bedding. Here's my predicament...
I heard that a lot of king sized bedding you get runs a little smaller. And I like my bedding big. Like if my husband rolls himself into a giant burrito in the night, I'm still covered, BIG. I usually buy the next size up from whatever bed I have, so for a twin, I buy a full, etc. Well, what's one up from a king? And if most bedding is shorter, I know it won't be what I'm dreaming of. Which is this image (from Pottery Barn)...

And a whole lot of this (from apartment therapy)...

And can any of you guess how much bedding like this would cost me if I just bought it from Pottery Barn? $624.00 not including shipping.
Being the cheap-o that I am, I've decided to buy inexpensive bedding from Ikea and add the ruffle detail to make it my kind of romantic. To make my ruffled duvet and 2 king shams, I'm looking at spending a grand total of $28.00. And that's even the nice, 310 thread count sheets. I haven't priced out a quilt in any of my usual discounted places but I'm hoping to find a king sized one at Homegoods that I like for under $40. So total I would probably still come in under $100.00 The only problem is making it out of the king sheets won't allow for that nice big overhang on a king sized bed.
So I'm considering buying a queen sized bed. Is that stupid? To get a smaller bed for the sole purpose of making the bedding look amazing? I just feel like this fluffy goodness would be so much easier to achieve with a smaller bed. Plus, finding bedding for a queen is so much easier, cheaper, and it allows me to snuggle a little more with the hubs.
What would you do? Splurge and get the pottery barn bedding and king bed, or go with the queen and make your own bedding?
Also, do any of you have all white bedding? If so, I would LOVE to see it in real life instead of "glamor shot" catalogs. E-mail me at and I'll spread your love!