Are you one of those people who won't post pictures of their new house before it closes because they don't want to jinx themselves?
Well, I'm not. Here's a bunch of pictures of the new place. I can't wait to Dick Cheney those walls!
Since the sweet love of my life is going to Rucker for 8 weeks, he'll miss the move. Isn't that the pits? He always "gets put on orders" right when we have to move and usually gets me pregnant before too! Don't get any ideas Caleb...
Anyways, here's the front of the house. I have some fun plans for shutter and galvanized barn-esque light fixtures on the front of the house. And oh yeah... the landscaping in the front has GOT TO GO. Baby steps, baby steps. I'll let Caleb tackle that project on his own.

Here's the front room. Half of my house right now could fit into this room. Which seems to be a blessing and a curse. I want to do built in bookcases with a gliding ladder in here but that's pretty much all I have planned. Maybe a homework area, desk and sectional for reading.

To the left before the great room is the hallway to the guest/office/nursery, bathroom, and entry into the 3rd car garage.

Here's the great room. It's pretty self explanatory. I'm adding thicker molding to the cabinets and doing a phenomenal backsplash and other goodies. You'll have to wait and see!

To the right of that room is the master bedroom and bath. I still have no idea what to paint the walls in here or what I want to do. All I know is I'm doing all white bedding. Maybe a huge architectural piece.

My husband and I just stared at our closet for a while. It's literally bigger that the room he shared with his 4 other brothers growing up.

And then to the left of the kitchen is two more bedrooms, a bath, the laundry room and entry into the garage.

And here's the back yard.

Pretty much everything about the property needs work, but it's all superficial. And it's move in ready. I hate the paint and we're going to put in new flooring as well, but not until the carpet we have gets bad. I'm itching to get in and start some projects!