I decided since the kitchen in my new house is smack dab in the middle of the floor plan, it needs to be done soon. And since it's in the center, it doesn't have a single window to it's name. It makes me sad, actually. Although this house is twice as big, it just doesn't have the same light feel as my old home and I miss that. Here's before we moved in...

The cabinets really are beautiful but they're just SO dark. I told my husband that I would wait at least a year before I painted them. The paint on the walls throughout the house is also a darker neutral so once we paint over it all, I think it will help brighten the space. In the mean time, I put up a white bead board back splash and it did help. I want to install bead board on top of the cabinets too, all the way to the ceiling. I think that will help too.

I used thicker molding to finish the edges and I love the chunkier look of it. The whole project took me about 6 hours because I had to wait for paint to dry. I used the new miter saw we got from my husbands grandpa and it cut my molding like butter. I'm spoiled I tell ya.

Here's my new pantry doors. I got them at Merchant Square Antique Mall in Chandler during one of their flea market sales. I actually met a reader while I was loading them up. It was funny to meet someone who reads my blog.

And here's the inside of my pantry before. It's kind of embarrassing to tell you the truth.

I used the template from Jones Design Company (one of my favorite's by the way) found
here for the painted wall paper. If you remember, I did it on some pillows a while back and couldn't get it out of my head. I debated about doing a chevron print but I felt that was something I'm probably going to be over in a little while.

And here it is pre-food with all my clearance Hobby Lobby baskets and some others I had laying around.

And finally with all my food in it. I don't know how, but I guess I've been collecting cans of vegetables. Specifically creamed corn. I have 11 cans of creamed corn. I've never even eaten it! Maybe my husband bought it for fishing or something.

One last picture of the whole kitchen. I'll show some of the rest of the great room next.