I wanted to put two beds in Porters room since baby #4 came a little sooner than we would have liked. The beds needed to be low to the ground since 20 month olds roll around in their sleep like they're on fire and I didn't want him breaking his neck falling out of bed. This was what Porters room used to look like.

Now it looks like this. I took out the vintage lockers because this room is only 10'x10' but they're safely tucked away in my garage until we move into a bigger house.

The beds are matching antique hospital beds that my sister gave me. With the casters off they're low enough that little kids won't get hurt from falling off. I have another one for my last, kid #4. In my some day dream house, all 3 boys will share a room with matching beds. I still have to get two duvet inserts from Ikea for the solid blue duvets on the bed. That's why they're all wrinkly.

Sorry the pictures are kind of dark. I bought a giant red letter "P" from an old store sign when I was in Canton and then found another one just like it at this great store called Modern Manor in Phoenix. It's kind of hard to find and has weird hours but their stuff is really cool. Anyways, I came home only to find my children had broken the one I had. So I'm on the hunt for another one. Again. I want to put them right above their headboards.

I moved the dresser to this corner and kept the locker baskets on top to store books and toys and junk. They don't have very much room to play but we live in Arizona so they're in my back yard most of the day anyways.

I made the duvet's at the foot of their bed. I saw some on Restoration Hardware that I LOVED but couldn't spend $750 for 2. So I went to Joann's and bought fabric that was $3.99 a yard and used my 50% off coupon. Making it around $27 for 14 yards. It was enough to do two twin sized duvets and pillows but I ran out of paint for the pillows so they'll be finished soon. I used craft paint and fabric medium for the stripes and just taped them off with painters tape. I did the same thing to a bench in my room that you can find
here This is what Restoration Hardware's looked like.

I wish I could have used linen like they did but it was not in my budget. My fabric looks more yellow in the pictures than it actually is in person but when you have a $100 camera... One more look at my version.

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